Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ryan carved our pumpkin last night. Mickey Mouse is Ashton's favorite and he just lit up when he saw his pumpkin. We knew he'd love it.

Ashton was more interested in the straw than paying any attention to the camera.

Ashton's pumpkin throwing contest...he was the only contestant. He was determined to throw the whole pile. We bought him own to throw at home.

I'm very, very sneaky...I think you underestimate my sneakiness!

Mr. Bones! These pajamas are so cute! They glow in the dark, too. Sometimes it's difficult to get him to sleep because he stares down at the bones.

Happy 1st Birthday, Ashton!

Well, I've made it back to the world of blogging. Here is our little prince at his 1st Birthday party! He had a great time playing in the pool, eating cake, and taking a very long nap. It was a good day.
Ashton's very own cake, which he liked very much.

Mommy's little cake monster!

He was pretty much covered from head to toe in blue and green icing.

Go, Speed Racer, Go! This is the little Cozy Coupe that Auntie Ne and Uncle Steve bought him. He loves it so much, it has a space in his room for daily play. He can't get enough of it. It's really quite hysterical. He opens the door, climbs inside, sits down, and turns the wheel back and forth. Then, when he's done, he opens the door, puts both feet out the door and on the floor, stands up and turns around and shuts the door. No one taught him this. He just did it on his own. Quite the little driver.

Ashton riding his tricycle with the assistance of Mommy keeping feet on the pedals. He mostly just pushes his feet on the floor to get around. Haven't quite mastered the pedaling, yet. It's gonna be a while.

Do I have something on my face?

Daddy and me taking my new wagon for a spin. That was a smoooooth ride, Dad!

Ashton unwrapping birthday presents in his jammies!

Reading Gammy and Gampy's birthday card. It was a singing one and he was into it. He flipped open and closed over and over. So serious!

Our sweet little Birthday Boy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm 11 Mos. Old!!!

Well, here we are at 11 mos. Ashton is getting so big and he's so smart. I just can't believe that in 1 mo. he's going to be 1 yr. old. Where has the time gone? My little baby is growing up...and too fast. But, he still loves to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy. How about a little update for those of you who don't get to see him everyday. Ashton is standing, he even lets go and stands for a few seconds by himself, and he walks around holding onto furniture or whatever he can. He can point to the cow when you ask him where the cow is (he just did that 2 days ago). He loves to throw the ball. We bought him a little basketball hoop and he puts everything through the hoop. He's pretty smart if you ask me. Well, I think that covers most of his progress lately.

I have to explain this last picture. Ashton has a mirror book and here he is giving himself a kiss. If you let him get close to any mirror, he leans in and kisses himself. It has got to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. He's been doing it since he was 9 mos. old. He just cracks us up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catching up...again!

Sorry everyone! I have been so bad about posting lately. Well, less napping and more outings for Mr. Ashton keep mommy busy. And, he definitely likes to have mommy's attention, so that means no free time on the computer when he's awake. Well, today, he's giving me a little time (we bought new toys! :) Ashton is now 10 1/2 months and he's trying to talk up a storm. He says "Mama" and "Dada" and actually looks at us and calls us by the right one. He babbles other gibberish, but I have yet to decipher the dialect of English he is speaking in. He is standing up all by himself and can walk around while holding onto things. He has 8 teeth now and loves to chomp away on his food. He's a good eater! He eats just about anything I give him. Well, let's get onto the pictures! Enjoy!
Ashton is enjoying his first swing

Here's our handsome guy.

And here's our ham! It was the last of pictures I took and he just put his hand and raised his eyebrows with this look like "Aren't you going to get me outta here yet?"

Ashton and Gammy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Catching up...

...with the Acres. Well, it's been quite some time since my last post. We just returned from the Bahamas and have some great pictures to share. Ashton has really grown in the past couple of months. Let's see...he has 6 teeth now (4 of which came in while we were, fun), he hasn't crawled yet, but has certainly mastered the Army crawl and moves quite fast, he says "Da Da" (I won't hold it against him even though it makes me sad that he hasn't said "Ma Ma" yet), and he's just continuing to develop his sweet little personality.
This is Ashton's new signature scrunchie face. He does this on a frequent basis and shows off his new pearly whites. What a ham he has become!

Again, Ashton hamming it up for the camera. We were waiting out the rain at the Tipsy Seagull before getting on the boat. The bean bag chair was a new experience for him. Look at that goofy little grin. Just want to eat him up!

Here is a blue marlin we were lucky enough to catch while there. Not much fishing action goin' on, but it was a beautiful day to be on the boat.

Here behind us was the only blue marlin boated in the two tournaments out of Treasure Cay. "Real McCoy" weighed her in at 563 lbs. Not too shabby!

Ryan and Ashton taking refuge in the shade. It was very hot! Aren't they just too cute!

It's the crab man! He just thought it was so funny when his towel came down over his eyes. He is so goofy sometimes. What a little cutie! Just love him!

Grandpa and Ashton hangin' out while we were fishing. Ashton loves the boat!

Ashton's 8 mos. birthday! All dressed up in his seersucker overalls sitting with his Daddy! Isn't that just the sweetest picture. He loves his Dad!

Got my party hat on for my birthday!

Do I look like my Daddy!? Already getting into Dad's clothes.

Check me out! Am I cool or what!? He is so good about keeping his glasses on. It was actually pretty amazing. Now, it's a different story. He rips them off and they go right in his mouth.

Mommy and Ashton arriving in the Bahamas! He's a good little flyer. Doesn't make a peep. He just got his passport stamped for his second trip to the Bahamas. He's a travelin' man!

Watch out Kenny! Here comes the new island boy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm 7 mos. old!

Here's our sweet little boy! Look at those chompers! Ashton has two teeth now and he's not afraid to use them. He loves to bite on mommy's chin or anything else he can get them on. Not so much the funny little nibbles anymore. He's really gives a good bite.

Look at that cute little outfit. The blurs...his hands. They were going a mile-a-minute. I couldn't get him to stay still for anything. He's so full of energy and he's such a fun baby to play with.

Ashton is becoming more interested and curious about the dogs. Here he is with Oscar. Right before I took this picture, Ashton had both hands on Oscar patting him and petting him. It was so cute. He just get so tickled when the dogs play and he just laughs. It's so funny.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


...Easter's on it way! Here's my little Easter bundle as cute as can be! I just can't get enough of these pictures. He's just a cutie patootie! Happy Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Little Man!

Our little boy turned 6 mos. on April 3rd. Boy, how the time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. Our little baby is turning into a little boy. :( Although, it saddens me that he's growing up, it is so much fun to watch him grow, change and show his little personality. He has been doing so much lately that it's difficult to keep up. Ashton is now rolling over, starting to sit-up (mostly with our assistance), and he has 2 teeth! He has been trying so hard to crawl and talk. It probably won't be long before he's saying "Ma Ma" or "Da Da". I have a feeling that it's going to be Da Da first because he's already making sounds that resemble it. Whatever he decides to say first will be exciting and fun to hear. Happy Half Birthday Ashton! We love you!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

California Baby

Well, we just got back from California. It was a nice trip to take Ashton to see his great Gammy and Gampy and everyone who has not gotten the chance to meet him. I think I held him a total of 10 hours the whole trip. He was not lacking attention! :) However, I am lacking pictures of our trip. My camera battery died and what did I forget among the many other things I toted cross-country...the charger! Duh!! We'll be back in July, and I plan on having the camera out the whole time. Here's the little man and his California family and friends!

Gammy and Ashton

Bree, Jack and Ashton getting cozy!

So cute! Jack is helping Ashton play with his frog.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ashton Is 5 mos.

Here's our big boy! 5 mos. old! We had a fun day. It started with Mother Goose storytime at the library with Danielle and Cameron. We sang songs and heard a story and met lots of other babies. Ashton seemed to enjoy it. He watched intently and didn't make a peep.

Somebody didn't want to sit nice and take a picture. This was as good as it got. A frumpy, frowny face, but look at those cute shoes! He's got style!

After storytime, we stopped by to see Daddy and his aunties.