Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sweet Boy

I see you! Ashton was playing with his bunny and kept putting the ears over his face and then I would move them and he would just smile. So precious!

Don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks! I just love him!

Ashton's first time in the pool. He just sat there and enjoyed the water.

Ashton and Cameron were in deep conversation over dinner. A moment after this picture Cameron gently reached up and touched Ashton's nose. I wish I would have gotten the shot. They are starting to become friends.

Where's Ashton?
"Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. I'm hunting wabbit."

Smiling at Daddy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcome Home Kourtnie!

Welcome home Kourtnie and Jessie!

Auntie Ne and Ashton

Ashton and his Auntie Chelle

This is Tank, Kourtnie and Jessie's new puppy. She is absolutely adorable!

Rene and Rochelle

The happiest baby in the world!

Ashton and Daddy

Chris and Ashton

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In Loving Memory...

...of Kazzey. My parent's and brother's dog, Kazzey, was very sick and had to be put to sleep yesterday. She was a beautiful, amazing dog with a heart bigger than any human. Always ready to go for a walk, never ready to stop playing. Water...she was in it. Ducks (or any small animal that moved in her presence)...she was chasing. A lap...she would try to sit in it if there was any room for her to wiggle into. Forget about personal space...she was in it with a head on your shoulder ready to listen to whatever good things you had to say about her. :) She was one-of-a-kind that you would have been lucky to know. She was very loved and will be greatly missed. Kazzey, we love you and will never forget you. You have blessed our family.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ashton's Antics

Here's my mischievious little man! Well, this is how the story goes. We were playing on his playmat all nice and content being in his diaper. Well, Sam (our dog), being very old, had peed on the tile floor and Mommy had to clean it up before the already 2 ft. diameter puddle turned into a 6 ft. puddle following the highways of grout. It took about 5 minutes to wipe up and mop. Ashton is still playing in his room like a good little boy, so Mommy thinks. Not my baby! As I return to the room to continue our playtime, I find my little mover halfway on his way to his dresser. "Got bored on my playmat, Mom. So, I thought I might make my way around the room and check it out." Needless to say, Ashton is on the move and seems to enjoy his new found ability. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More videos!

I found another video clip of Ashton bouncing. He's quite the rambunctious one here. (I was talking on the phone in the background)

I thought everyone might get a kick out of Ashton eating. He absolutely loved the apples and bananas I was feeding him. He was like a little bird when the spoon came to his mouth. It was the first time since we've started foods that he was waiting for another bite. The banging noise is his feet hitting the highchair tray because for whatever reason he gets his little legs going a mile-a-minute when he eats.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The doctor gave us the okay to start trying some new foods so,...we started with carrots. He did pretty good with the new taste, but I wish I would have gotten a picture of his face on the first bite. It was priceless. Overall, he liked them okay.

Okay, Mom! I'm done!

This morning we tried bananas. He smiled every time I gave him a bite. He really liked them.

Look at me! I'm holding my bottle all by myself!

I'm just ducky!

These are just some cute pictures I got of Ashton with Daddy. They were playing on the couch as usual. They've become quite fond of each other. Ashton grins from ear to ear when he sees Daddy and starts to laugh when he talks to him. It's so sweet to watch the two of them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bouncy Man!

This is for Gammy. She wanted to see her little boy jumping in his jumperoo. Here he is. At this point he has been in there for 30 min. and is loving every second of it. I wish I could get all of his noises and laughs, but he becomes mesmerized with the camera when I try to record him. This was probably my 20th attempt, so I took what I could get. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Open up!

Ashton has started getting the hang of eating off a spoon. By the third night of rice cereal, he was opening his mouth for the spoon. But what was really funny was that he smiled every time he opened his mouth. It was pretty cute.

It's been pretty cold here, so we bundled up to go to the store. Too precious!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy 4 Month Birthday Ashton!!

Happy 4 month birthday to our sweet angel! Mommy put him in his cute little outfit, but we couldn't quite get a smile out of him. Look how handsome he is!

We were having fun climbing on the lion.

Ashton loves his bunny! Always grabs a hold of him when he's around. He loves to put the blanket up to his face and rub on it. It's the sweetest thing.

Just a great picture of the little man!

Now, this was the fun stuff. Ashton had his first bowl of rice cereal last night. We'll be doing this differently tonight. While making the cereal, Ashton feel asleep on the couch with bunny in hand before eating his dinner. Well, Mommy knew he would be up within the hour and ready to eat and boy was he! After about five minutes of eating from the spoon, Ashton was none to pleased with the progress we were making. Much to slow. At this point, there was spitting and sputtering of rice cereal and it began to get quite messy. Well, it was a learning experience for all. Hopefully, we do much better tonight! Bon appetite!

A face only a mother could love! And, yes, we did get some in his mouth (and around his mouth...and in his nose...and on his jammies).