Friday, February 20, 2009

Ashton's Antics

Here's my mischievious little man! Well, this is how the story goes. We were playing on his playmat all nice and content being in his diaper. Well, Sam (our dog), being very old, had peed on the tile floor and Mommy had to clean it up before the already 2 ft. diameter puddle turned into a 6 ft. puddle following the highways of grout. It took about 5 minutes to wipe up and mop. Ashton is still playing in his room like a good little boy, so Mommy thinks. Not my baby! As I return to the room to continue our playtime, I find my little mover halfway on his way to his dresser. "Got bored on my playmat, Mom. So, I thought I might make my way around the room and check it out." Needless to say, Ashton is on the move and seems to enjoy his new found ability. :)

1 comment:

RCShuey said...

Oh my goooooodness. You such a BIG BOY!! And a lil piglet. So funny when he eats.