Here's Dad and me kickin' it on the couch. I've found something much more interesting on the couch than the camera. I like to cuddle on the couch. It's my favorite! I sleep so good!
I am a thumb sucker! (when I can find it) I happened to be passing by my iPhone when he shoved his thumb in his mouth. Boy, have I gotten quick at grabbing my phone for photo ops! Shots like this are here, then gone in a flash. I've gotten lucky with some of them.
This was a one time shot. Haven't seen him do this again. I'm so glad that I was able to capture the sweetest picture of our little angel. He sleeps so peacefully. He was sleeping in his bassinet which he absolutely does not like at all anymore.
Congrats Ryan and Miceala! So happy for you guys! Ashton is adorable. Welcome to parenthood... there is nothing better in the world.
Leah (Rochelle's friend)
My favorite picture thumb sucking...
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