Saturday, April 11, 2009


...Easter's on it way! Here's my little Easter bundle as cute as can be! I just can't get enough of these pictures. He's just a cutie patootie! Happy Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Little Man!

Our little boy turned 6 mos. on April 3rd. Boy, how the time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. Our little baby is turning into a little boy. :( Although, it saddens me that he's growing up, it is so much fun to watch him grow, change and show his little personality. He has been doing so much lately that it's difficult to keep up. Ashton is now rolling over, starting to sit-up (mostly with our assistance), and he has 2 teeth! He has been trying so hard to crawl and talk. It probably won't be long before he's saying "Ma Ma" or "Da Da". I have a feeling that it's going to be Da Da first because he's already making sounds that resemble it. Whatever he decides to say first will be exciting and fun to hear. Happy Half Birthday Ashton! We love you!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

California Baby

Well, we just got back from California. It was a nice trip to take Ashton to see his great Gammy and Gampy and everyone who has not gotten the chance to meet him. I think I held him a total of 10 hours the whole trip. He was not lacking attention! :) However, I am lacking pictures of our trip. My camera battery died and what did I forget among the many other things I toted cross-country...the charger! Duh!! We'll be back in July, and I plan on having the camera out the whole time. Here's the little man and his California family and friends!

Gammy and Ashton

Bree, Jack and Ashton getting cozy!

So cute! Jack is helping Ashton play with his frog.